

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 -0.319916 -0.239672 -0.410467 -1.355625 0.632674 -0.071399 -1.573400 1.709383 0.218583 -0.291572
1 0.184704 -1.096602 0.021001 -0.731679 -0.914922 0.014601 -1.316700 -0.114324 0.255736 -1.186703
2 -0.590560 -0.176240 0.802040 -0.669107 0.543721 0.149974 -0.021126 1.253779 -0.044600 1.301220
3 0.835972 -0.291654 -0.830697 2.289292 -1.303734 0.293520 0.664761 1.341384 -0.767080 2.403479
4 -0.377867 -0.088815 1.312348 -0.020686 -0.369885 -0.343720 0.281117 0.616223 0.334589 0.277580
5 0.326577 -1.358167 0.619234 0.756230 -0.853057 0.459285 -0.497793 -0.206812 0.836822 0.064191
6 -0.812944 0.869205 -0.118525 -1.435254 -0.565448 -0.810688 0.626786 -1.498999 -0.343035 0.469673
7 0.176898 -0.502969 -1.156450 0.022087 1.663220 -0.031885 -0.323118 0.152313 0.130319 -0.004924

2018-06-04 00:00:00 2018-06-05 00:00:00 2018-06-06 00:00:00 2018-06-07 00:00:00 2018-06-08 00:00:00 2018-06-11 00:00:00 2018-06-12 00:00:00 2018-06-13 00:00:00 2018-06-14 00:00:00 2018-06-15 00:00:00
股票0 -0.319916 -0.239672 -0.410467 -1.355625 0.632674 -0.071399 -1.573400 1.709383 0.218583 -0.291572
股票1 0.184704 -1.096602 0.021001 -0.731679 -0.914922 0.014601 -1.316700 -0.114324 0.255736 -1.186703
股票2 -0.590560 -0.176240 0.802040 -0.669107 0.543721 0.149974 -0.021126 1.253779 -0.044600 1.301220
股票3 0.835972 -0.291654 -0.830697 2.289292 -1.303734 0.293520 0.664761 1.341384 -0.767080 2.403479
股票4 -0.377867 -0.088815 1.312348 -0.020686 -0.369885 -0.343720 0.281117 0.616223 0.334589 0.277580
股票5 0.326577 -1.358167 0.619234 0.756230 -0.853057 0.459285 -0.497793 -0.206812 0.836822 0.064191
股票6 -0.812944 0.869205 -0.118525 -1.435254 -0.565448 -0.810688 0.626786 -1.498999 -0.343035 0.469673
股票7 0.176898 -0.502969 -1.156450 0.022087 1.663220 -0.031885 -0.323118 0.152313 0.130319 -0.004924


2018-06-04 00:00:00 2018-06-05 00:00:00 2018-06-06 00:00:00 2018-06-07 00:00:00 2018-06-08 00:00:00 2018-06-11 00:00:00 2018-06-12 00:00:00 2018-06-13 00:00:00 2018-06-14 00:00:00 2018-06-15 00:00:00
股票0 -0.319916 -0.239672 -0.410467 -1.355625 0.632674 -0.071399 -1.573400 1.709383 0.218583 -0.291572
股票1 0.184704 -1.096602 0.021001 -0.731679 -0.914922 0.014601 -1.316700 -0.114324 0.255736 -1.186703
股票2 -0.590560 -0.176240 0.802040 -0.669107 0.543721 0.149974 -0.021126 1.253779 -0.044600 1.301220
股票3 0.835972 -0.291654 -0.830697 2.289292 -1.303734 0.293520 0.664761 1.341384 -0.767080 2.403479
股票4 -0.377867 -0.088815 1.312348 -0.020686 -0.369885 -0.343720 0.281117 0.616223 0.334589 0.277580
股票5 0.326577 -1.358167 0.619234 0.756230 -0.853057 0.459285 -0.497793 -0.206812 0.836822 0.064191
股票6 -0.812944 0.869205 -0.118525 -1.435254 -0.565448 -0.810688 0.626786 -1.498999 -0.343035 0.469673
股票7 0.176898 -0.502969 -1.156450 0.022087 1.663220 -0.031885 -0.323118 0.152313 0.130319 -0.004924

股票0 股票1 股票2 股票3 股票4 股票5 股票6 股票7
2018-06-04 -0.319916 0.184704 -0.590560 0.835972 -0.377867 0.326577 -0.812944 0.176898
2018-06-05 -0.239672 -1.096602 -0.176240 -0.291654 -0.088815 -1.358167 0.869205 -0.502969
2018-06-06 -0.410467 0.021001 0.802040 -0.830697 1.312348 0.619234 -0.118525 -1.156450
2018-06-07 -1.355625 -0.731679 -0.669107 2.289292 -0.020686 0.756230 -1.435254 0.022087
2018-06-08 0.632674 -0.914922 0.543721 -1.303734 -0.369885 -0.853057 -0.565448 1.663220
2018-06-11 -0.071399 0.014601 0.149974 0.293520 -0.343720 0.459285 -0.810688 -0.031885
2018-06-12 -1.573400 -1.316700 -0.021126 0.664761 0.281117 -0.497793 0.626786 -0.323118
2018-06-13 1.709383 -0.114324 1.253779 1.341384 0.616223 -0.206812 -1.498999 0.152313
2018-06-14 0.218583 0.255736 -0.044600 -0.767080 0.334589 0.836822 -0.343035 0.130319
2018-06-15 -0.291572 -1.186703 1.301220 2.403479 0.277580 0.064191 0.469673 -0.004924

2018-06-04 00:00:00 2018-06-05 00:00:00 2018-06-06 00:00:00 2018-06-07 00:00:00 2018-06-08 00:00:00 2018-06-11 00:00:00 2018-06-12 00:00:00 2018-06-13 00:00:00 2018-06-14 00:00:00 2018-06-15 00:00:00
股票0 -0.319916 -0.239672 -0.410467 -1.355625 0.632674 -0.071399 -1.573400 1.709383 0.218583 -0.291572
股票1 0.184704 -1.096602 0.021001 -0.731679 -0.914922 0.014601 -1.316700 -0.114324 0.255736 -1.186703
股票2 -0.590560 -0.176240 0.802040 -0.669107 0.543721 0.149974 -0.021126 1.253779 -0.044600 1.301220

2018-06-04 00:00:00 2018-06-05 00:00:00 2018-06-06 00:00:00 2018-06-07 00:00:00 2018-06-08 00:00:00 2018-06-11 00:00:00 2018-06-12 00:00:00 2018-06-13 00:00:00 2018-06-14 00:00:00 2018-06-15 00:00:00
股票2 -0.590560 -0.176240 0.802040 -0.669107 0.543721 0.149974 -0.021126 1.253779 -0.044600 1.301220
股票3 0.835972 -0.291654 -0.830697 2.289292 -1.303734 0.293520 0.664761 1.341384 -0.767080 2.403479
股票4 -0.377867 -0.088815 1.312348 -0.020686 -0.369885 -0.343720 0.281117 0.616223 0.334589 0.277580
股票5 0.326577 -1.358167 0.619234 0.756230 -0.853057 0.459285 -0.497793 -0.206812 0.836822 0.064191
股票6 -0.812944 0.869205 -0.118525 -1.435254 -0.565448 -0.810688 0.626786 -1.498999 -0.343035 0.469673
股票7 0.176898 -0.502969 -1.156450 0.022087 1.663220 -0.031885 -0.323118 0.152313 0.130319 -0.004924


2018-06-04 00:00:00 2018-06-05 00:00:00 2018-06-06 00:00:00 2018-06-07 00:00:00 2018-06-08 00:00:00 2018-06-11 00:00:00 2018-06-12 00:00:00 2018-06-13 00:00:00 2018-06-14 00:00:00 2018-06-15 00:00:00
票0 -0.319916 -0.239672 -0.410467 -1.355625 0.632674 -0.071399 -1.573400 1.709383 0.218583 -0.291572
票1 0.184704 -1.096602 0.021001 -0.731679 -0.914922 0.014601 -1.316700 -0.114324 0.255736 -1.186703
票2 -0.590560 -0.176240 0.802040 -0.669107 0.543721 0.149974 -0.021126 1.253779 -0.044600 1.301220
票3 0.835972 -0.291654 -0.830697 2.289292 -1.303734 0.293520 0.664761 1.341384 -0.767080 2.403479
票4 -0.377867 -0.088815 1.312348 -0.020686 -0.369885 -0.343720 0.281117 0.616223 0.334589 0.277580
票5 0.326577 -1.358167 0.619234 0.756230 -0.853057 0.459285 -0.497793 -0.206812 0.836822 0.064191
票6 -0.812944 0.869205 -0.118525 -1.435254 -0.565448 -0.810688 0.626786 -1.498999 -0.343035 0.469673
票7 0.176898 -0.502969 -1.156450 0.022087 1.663220 -0.031885 -0.323118 0.152313 0.130319 -0.004924

index 2018-06-04 00:00:00 2018-06-05 00:00:00 2018-06-06 00:00:00 2018-06-07 00:00:00 2018-06-08 00:00:00 2018-06-11 00:00:00 2018-06-12 00:00:00 2018-06-13 00:00:00 2018-06-14 00:00:00 2018-06-15 00:00:00
0 票0 -0.319916 -0.239672 -0.410467 -1.355625 0.632674 -0.071399 -1.573400 1.709383 0.218583 -0.291572
1 票1 0.184704 -1.096602 0.021001 -0.731679 -0.914922 0.014601 -1.316700 -0.114324 0.255736 -1.186703
2 票2 -0.590560 -0.176240 0.802040 -0.669107 0.543721 0.149974 -0.021126 1.253779 -0.044600 1.301220
3 票3 0.835972 -0.291654 -0.830697 2.289292 -1.303734 0.293520 0.664761 1.341384 -0.767080 2.403479
4 票4 -0.377867 -0.088815 1.312348 -0.020686 -0.369885 -0.343720 0.281117 0.616223 0.334589 0.277580
5 票5 0.326577 -1.358167 0.619234 0.756230 -0.853057 0.459285 -0.497793 -0.206812 0.836822 0.064191
6 票6 -0.812944 0.869205 -0.118525 -1.435254 -0.565448 -0.810688 0.626786 -1.498999 -0.343035 0.469673
7 票7 0.176898 -0.502969 -1.156450 0.022087 1.663220 -0.031885 -0.323118 0.152313 0.130319 -0.004924

month year sale
1 1 2012 55
4 4 2014 40
7 7 2013 84
10 10 2014 31

month year
1 2012 55
4 2014 40
7 2013 84
10 2014 31

Panel三维数组的数据结构容器 pandas从0.20.0开始弃用

first second
2013-01-01 0 1
2013-01-02 2 3
2013-01-03 4 5



open high close low volume price_change p_change ma5 ma10 ma20 v_ma5 v_ma10 v_ma20 turnover
2018-02-27 23.53 25.88 24.16 23.53 95578.03 0.63 2.68 22.942 22.142 22.875 53782.64 46738.65 55576.11 2.39
2018-02-26 22.80 23.78 23.53 22.80 60985.11 0.69 3.02 22.406 21.955 22.942 40827.52 42736.34 56007.50 1.53
2018-02-23 22.88 23.37 22.82 22.71 52914.01 0.54 2.42 21.938 21.929 23.022 35119.58 41871.97 56372.85 1.32
2018-02-22 22.25 22.76 22.28 22.02 36105.01 0.36 1.64 21.446 21.909 23.137 35397.58 39904.78 60149.60 0.90
2018-02-14 21.49 21.99 21.92 21.48 23331.04 0.44 2.05 21.366 21.923 23.253 33590.21 42935.74 61716.11 0.58




open high close low volume price_change p_change ma5 ma10 ma20 v_ma5 v_ma10 v_ma20 turnover
2018-02-27 23.53 25.88 24.16 23.53 95578.03 0.63 2.68 22.942 22.142 22.875 53782.64 46738.65 55576.11 2.39
2018-02-26 22.80 23.78 23.53 22.80 60985.11 0.69 3.02 22.406 21.955 22.942 40827.52 42736.34 56007.50 1.53
2018-02-23 22.88 23.37 22.82 22.71 52914.01 0.54 2.42 21.938 21.929 23.022 35119.58 41871.97 56372.85 1.32
2018-02-22 22.25 22.76 22.28 22.02 36105.01 0.36 1.64 21.446 21.909 23.137 35397.58 39904.78 60149.60 0.90
2018-02-14 21.49 21.99 21.92 21.48 23331.04 0.44 2.05 21.366 21.923 23.253 33590.21 42935.74 61716.11 0.58

open high close low volume price_change p_change ma5 ma10 ma20 v_ma5 v_ma10 v_ma20 turnover
2018-02-27 23.53 25.88 24.16 23.53 95578.03 0.63 2.68 22.942 22.142 22.875 53782.64 46738.65 55576.11 2.39
2018-02-26 22.80 23.78 23.53 22.80 60985.11 0.69 3.02 22.406 21.955 22.942 40827.52 42736.34 56007.50 1.53
2018-02-23 22.88 23.37 22.82 22.71 52914.01 0.54 2.42 21.938 21.929 23.022 35119.58 41871.97 56372.85 1.32
2018-02-14 21.49 21.99 21.92 21.48 23331.04 0.44 2.05 21.366 21.923 23.253 33590.21 42935.74 61716.11 0.58
2018-02-12 20.70 21.40 21.19 20.63 32445.39 0.82 4.03 21.504 22.338 23.533 44645.16 45679.94 68686.33 0.81
2018-02-05 22.45 23.39 23.27 22.25 52341.39 0.65 2.87 23.172 23.928 24.112 46714.72 69278.66 77070.00 1.31
2018-01-19 24.60 25.34 25.13 24.42 128449.11 0.53 2.15 24.432 24.254 23.537 91838.07 88985.70 82975.10 3.21
2018-01-16 23.40 24.60 24.40 23.30 101295.42 0.96 4.10 23.908 24.058 23.321 82003.73 101081.47 74590.92 2.54
2018-01-12 23.70 25.15 24.24 23.42 120303.53 0.56 2.37 24.076 23.748 23.236 86133.33 91838.46 69690.35 3.01
2018-01-04 22.79 25.07 25.07 22.51 130131.15 2.28 10.00 22.966 22.690 22.935 67939.35 59938.43 57071.47 3.26
2017-12-26 21.73 22.66 22.23 21.73 61929.70 0.72 3.35 22.654 23.014 23.057 50753.59 48360.90 55920.67 1.55
2017-12-12 22.61 24.14 23.98 22.61 125206.36 1.21 5.31 22.732 23.100 24.337 64299.97 63480.44 76113.42 3.13
2017-11-28 24.01 24.90 24.70 24.00 49008.50 0.50 2.07 24.530 25.573 27.421 61031.58 88746.39 145784.73 1.23
2017-11-14 28.00 29.89 29.34 27.68 243773.23 1.10 3.90 28.618 29.268 29.673 176050.82 202823.06 268677.48 6.10
2017-11-07 28.60 29.37 28.98 28.42 173107.20 0.80 2.84 29.918 31.134 28.995 229595.30 301209.67 247155.94 4.33
2017-10-31 32.62 35.22 34.44 32.20 361660.88 2.38 7.42 32.350 30.077 28.406 372824.04 334531.90 241075.48 9.05
2017-10-27 31.45 33.20 33.11 31.45 333824.31 0.70 2.16 30.618 28.489 27.652 388894.38 282674.40 221367.64 8.35
2017-10-26 29.30 32.70 32.41 28.92 501915.41 2.68 9.01 29.662 27.813 27.306 404443.54 254722.83 215395.01 12.56
2017-10-25 27.86 30.45 29.73 27.54 328947.31 1.68 5.99 28.612 27.198 27.072 340158.56 213120.20 208416.55 8.23
2017-10-23 29.00 31.16 29.79 28.90 466494.47 1.46 5.15 27.280 26.763 26.764 247111.56 170695.43 186873.57 11.68
2017-10-20 29.20 29.83 28.33 27.85 411570.12 1.17 4.31 26.360 26.519 26.572 176454.41 141111.99 171445.99 10.30
2017-10-19 25.61 27.20 27.16 25.61 180490.47 1.47 5.72 25.964 26.465 26.500 105002.11 115721.45 159293.58 4.52
2017-09-27 26.52 29.01 28.26 26.52 379796.50 1.74 6.56 26.720 26.480 26.084 252358.18 191481.98 212995.67 9.51
2017-09-26 24.87 26.66 26.52 24.85 165497.09 1.61 6.46 26.246 26.349 25.879 196699.10 171159.43 203831.34 4.14
2017-09-21 26.03 28.48 27.73 25.70 362346.28 1.84 7.11 26.440 26.736 25.495 180037.81 209235.84 194833.73 9.07
2017-09-08 25.50 27.47 26.93 25.32 341440.59 1.36 5.32 24.944 24.609 23.566 235166.70 201615.98 172957.06 8.55
2017-09-07 24.41 26.90 25.57 24.20 289668.06 1.06 4.33 24.566 24.253 23.281 201740.80 180431.62 160218.55 7.25
2017-09-06 23.51 24.88 24.51 23.38 161732.80 0.56 2.34 24.576 23.958 23.105 195688.49 164855.13 150908.43 4.05
2017-08-31 24.16 25.88 25.62 23.78 259406.52 1.47 6.09 23.940 23.485 22.554 159122.44 189711.82 126717.47 6.49
2017-08-30 23.25 24.60 24.15 23.21 196509.73 1.09 4.73 23.340 23.111 22.387 134021.77 169549.50 116718.92 4.92
2015-07-17 20.50 21.97 21.12 20.20 95870.55 1.05 5.23 23.028 23.815 27.230 149992.77 153160.61 138386.76 3.28
2015-07-13 25.63 27.90 27.28 25.63 215671.91 1.67 6.52 25.000 26.057 29.122 169405.01 137084.82 151303.74 7.38
2015-07-10 22.20 25.61 25.61 22.10 164179.59 2.33 10.01 24.602 26.449 29.108 156328.46 124155.83 144964.95 5.62
2015-06-30 23.82 25.13 25.01 21.44 174521.44 1.19 5.00 25.830 27.929 29.447 140738.14 119712.07 142160.16 5.97
2015-06-24 27.60 28.50 28.05 27.48 100785.98 0.87 3.20 29.168 31.333 29.708 88217.07 139552.02 141688.41 3.45
2015-06-16 30.48 33.48 32.35 29.61 153130.61 0.66 2.08 33.498 31.375 29.565 190886.97 168659.00 161871.41 5.24
2015-06-12 34.69 35.98 35.21 34.01 159825.88 0.82 2.38 33.420 30.513 28.683 197248.25 154480.41 153888.00 5.47
2015-06-09 30.46 33.34 33.34 30.46 204438.47 3.03 10.00 29.252 28.082 26.770 146431.02 143824.79 139248.67 7.00
2015-06-08 28.40 30.90 30.31 28.40 179868.05 2.12 7.52 28.232 27.714 26.164 128067.98 143201.95 133185.54 6.16
2015-06-05 27.37 28.35 28.19 27.37 139291.88 1.19 4.41 27.606 27.675 25.677 111712.57 140397.10 128138.18 4.77
2015-06-02 27.50 28.59 28.24 27.40 112623.23 1.06 3.90 26.912 27.755 24.460 141218.55 155083.83 122956.92 3.86
2015-06-01 25.86 27.79 27.18 25.86 98091.02 1.38 5.35 27.196 27.263 24.085 158335.93 152116.08 121744.71 3.36
2015-05-29 25.50 26.58 25.80 23.70 128398.88 0.53 2.10 27.744 26.852 23.838 169081.63 153295.60 119753.75 4.40
2015-05-22 29.87 30.99 29.54 28.53 209382.62 1.32 4.68 25.960 23.679 22.440 137509.57 115879.26 104078.16 7.17
2015-05-21 27.50 28.22 28.22 26.50 121190.11 2.57 10.02 24.508 22.725 22.053 117760.48 103865.87 98766.20 4.15
2015-05-20 24.10 25.65 25.65 24.10 164143.16 2.33 9.99 23.292 21.784 21.733 118737.32 98652.00 99743.64 5.62
2015-05-18 22.28 24.45 23.07 22.08 109886.22 0.79 3.55 21.896 20.906 21.434 100442.05 91373.34 101965.14 3.76
2015-05-14 20.84 22.59 22.14 20.72 126074.32 1.36 6.54 20.942 20.845 21.418 89971.27 84345.72 112331.15 4.32
2015-05-12 20.78 21.47 21.21 20.40 83175.93 0.63 3.06 20.014 20.937 21.653 81264.03 83223.00 122655.85 2.85
2015-05-11 20.31 20.84 20.58 20.15 78920.74 0.58 2.90 19.916 21.108 21.649 82304.64 90837.92 127088.19 2.70
2015-05-08 19.10 20.18 20.00 19.10 89248.75 1.19 6.33 20.250 21.200 21.591 78174.86 92277.06 128790.26 3.05
2015-04-27 22.56 23.65 22.92 22.56 159325.12 1.42 6.61 21.952 22.368 20.090 121509.68 162088.70 138272.77 5.45
2015-04-21 21.00 21.97 21.71 20.80 111028.80 0.44 2.07 22.478 21.423 18.772 193934.80 174999.73 136236.51 3.80
2015-04-15 23.45 25.56 24.38 23.40 250311.59 1.14 4.91 21.560 19.315 17.442 174581.78 138001.54 119340.61 8.57
2015-04-14 21.45 23.24 23.24 21.45 154693.44 2.11 9.99 20.368 18.494 16.982 156064.66 121417.14 114763.57 5.30
2015-04-13 19.60 21.30 21.13 19.50 171822.69 1.70 8.75 19.228 17.812 16.563 149620.34 114456.84 111752.31 5.88
2015-04-09 18.28 19.89 19.62 18.02 183119.05 1.20 6.51 17.736 16.826 15.964 124323.21 106501.34 104829.10 6.27
2015-04-08 17.60 18.53 18.42 17.60 157725.97 0.88 5.02 17.070 16.394 15.698 101421.29 97906.88 101658.57 5.40
2015-04-07 16.54 17.98 17.54 16.50 122471.85 0.88 5.28 16.620 16.120 15.510 86769.62 97473.29 98832.94 4.19
2015-03-30 15.99 16.63 16.42 15.99 85090.45 0.65 4.12 15.620 15.469 14.722 108176.96 108109.99 108345.78 2.91

161 rows × 14 columns

open high close low volume price_change p_change ma5 ma10 ma20 v_ma5 v_ma10 v_ma20 turnover
2018-02-27 23.53 25.88 24.16 23.53 95578.03 0.63 2.68 22.942 22.142 22.875 53782.64 46738.65 55576.11 2.39
2018-02-26 22.80 23.78 23.53 22.80 60985.11 0.69 3.02 22.406 21.955 22.942 40827.52 42736.34 56007.50 1.53
2018-02-23 22.88 23.37 22.82 22.71 52914.01 0.54 2.42 21.938 21.929 23.022 35119.58 41871.97 56372.85 1.32
2018-02-14 21.49 21.99 21.92 21.48 23331.04 0.44 2.05 21.366 21.923 23.253 33590.21 42935.74 61716.11 0.58
2018-02-12 20.70 21.40 21.19 20.63 32445.39 0.82 4.03 21.504 22.338 23.533 44645.16 45679.94 68686.33 0.81
2018-02-05 22.45 23.39 23.27 22.25 52341.39 0.65 2.87 23.172 23.928 24.112 46714.72 69278.66 77070.00 1.31
2018-01-19 24.60 25.34 25.13 24.42 128449.11 0.53 2.15 24.432 24.254 23.537 91838.07 88985.70 82975.10 3.21
2018-01-16 23.40 24.60 24.40 23.30 101295.42 0.96 4.10 23.908 24.058 23.321 82003.73 101081.47 74590.92 2.54
2018-01-12 23.70 25.15 24.24 23.42 120303.53 0.56 2.37 24.076 23.748 23.236 86133.33 91838.46 69690.35 3.01
2018-01-04 22.79 25.07 25.07 22.51 130131.15 2.28 10.00 22.966 22.690 22.935 67939.35 59938.43 57071.47 3.26
2017-12-26 21.73 22.66 22.23 21.73 61929.70 0.72 3.35 22.654 23.014 23.057 50753.59 48360.90 55920.67 1.55
2017-12-12 22.61 24.14 23.98 22.61 125206.36 1.21 5.31 22.732 23.100 24.337 64299.97 63480.44 76113.42 3.13
2017-11-28 24.01 24.90 24.70 24.00 49008.50 0.50 2.07 24.530 25.573 27.421 61031.58 88746.39 145784.73 1.23
2017-11-14 28.00 29.89 29.34 27.68 243773.23 1.10 3.90 28.618 29.268 29.673 176050.82 202823.06 268677.48 6.10
2017-11-07 28.60 29.37 28.98 28.42 173107.20 0.80 2.84 29.918 31.134 28.995 229595.30 301209.67 247155.94 4.33
2017-10-31 32.62 35.22 34.44 32.20 361660.88 2.38 7.42 32.350 30.077 28.406 372824.04 334531.90 241075.48 9.05
2017-10-27 31.45 33.20 33.11 31.45 333824.31 0.70 2.16 30.618 28.489 27.652 388894.38 282674.40 221367.64 8.35
2017-10-26 29.30 32.70 32.41 28.92 501915.41 2.68 9.01 29.662 27.813 27.306 404443.54 254722.83 215395.01 12.56
2017-10-25 27.86 30.45 29.73 27.54 328947.31 1.68 5.99 28.612 27.198 27.072 340158.56 213120.20 208416.55 8.23
2017-10-23 29.00 31.16 29.79 28.90 466494.47 1.46 5.15 27.280 26.763 26.764 247111.56 170695.43 186873.57 11.68
2017-10-20 29.20 29.83 28.33 27.85 411570.12 1.17 4.31 26.360 26.519 26.572 176454.41 141111.99 171445.99 10.30
2017-10-19 25.61 27.20 27.16 25.61 180490.47 1.47 5.72 25.964 26.465 26.500 105002.11 115721.45 159293.58 4.52
2017-09-27 26.52 29.01 28.26 26.52 379796.50 1.74 6.56 26.720 26.480 26.084 252358.18 191481.98 212995.67 9.51
2017-09-26 24.87 26.66 26.52 24.85 165497.09 1.61 6.46 26.246 26.349 25.879 196699.10 171159.43 203831.34 4.14
2017-09-21 26.03 28.48 27.73 25.70 362346.28 1.84 7.11 26.440 26.736 25.495 180037.81 209235.84 194833.73 9.07
2017-09-08 25.50 27.47 26.93 25.32 341440.59 1.36 5.32 24.944 24.609 23.566 235166.70 201615.98 172957.06 8.55
2017-09-07 24.41 26.90 25.57 24.20 289668.06 1.06 4.33 24.566 24.253 23.281 201740.80 180431.62 160218.55 7.25
2017-09-06 23.51 24.88 24.51 23.38 161732.80 0.56 2.34 24.576 23.958 23.105 195688.49 164855.13 150908.43 4.05
2017-08-31 24.16 25.88 25.62 23.78 259406.52 1.47 6.09 23.940 23.485 22.554 159122.44 189711.82 126717.47 6.49
2017-08-30 23.25 24.60 24.15 23.21 196509.73 1.09 4.73 23.340 23.111 22.387 134021.77 169549.50 116718.92 4.92
2015-07-17 20.50 21.97 21.12 20.20 95870.55 1.05 5.23 23.028 23.815 27.230 149992.77 153160.61 138386.76 3.28
2015-07-13 25.63 27.90 27.28 25.63 215671.91 1.67 6.52 25.000 26.057 29.122 169405.01 137084.82 151303.74 7.38
2015-07-10 22.20 25.61 25.61 22.10 164179.59 2.33 10.01 24.602 26.449 29.108 156328.46 124155.83 144964.95 5.62
2015-06-30 23.82 25.13 25.01 21.44 174521.44 1.19 5.00 25.830 27.929 29.447 140738.14 119712.07 142160.16 5.97
2015-06-24 27.60 28.50 28.05 27.48 100785.98 0.87 3.20 29.168 31.333 29.708 88217.07 139552.02 141688.41 3.45
2015-06-16 30.48 33.48 32.35 29.61 153130.61 0.66 2.08 33.498 31.375 29.565 190886.97 168659.00 161871.41 5.24
2015-06-12 34.69 35.98 35.21 34.01 159825.88 0.82 2.38 33.420 30.513 28.683 197248.25 154480.41 153888.00 5.47
2015-06-09 30.46 33.34 33.34 30.46 204438.47 3.03 10.00 29.252 28.082 26.770 146431.02 143824.79 139248.67 7.00
2015-06-08 28.40 30.90 30.31 28.40 179868.05 2.12 7.52 28.232 27.714 26.164 128067.98 143201.95 133185.54 6.16
2015-06-05 27.37 28.35 28.19 27.37 139291.88 1.19 4.41 27.606 27.675 25.677 111712.57 140397.10 128138.18 4.77
2015-06-02 27.50 28.59 28.24 27.40 112623.23 1.06 3.90 26.912 27.755 24.460 141218.55 155083.83 122956.92 3.86
2015-06-01 25.86 27.79 27.18 25.86 98091.02 1.38 5.35 27.196 27.263 24.085 158335.93 152116.08 121744.71 3.36
2015-05-29 25.50 26.58 25.80 23.70 128398.88 0.53 2.10 27.744 26.852 23.838 169081.63 153295.60 119753.75 4.40
2015-05-22 29.87 30.99 29.54 28.53 209382.62 1.32 4.68 25.960 23.679 22.440 137509.57 115879.26 104078.16 7.17
2015-05-21 27.50 28.22 28.22 26.50 121190.11 2.57 10.02 24.508 22.725 22.053 117760.48 103865.87 98766.20 4.15
2015-05-20 24.10 25.65 25.65 24.10 164143.16 2.33 9.99 23.292 21.784 21.733 118737.32 98652.00 99743.64 5.62
2015-05-18 22.28 24.45 23.07 22.08 109886.22 0.79 3.55 21.896 20.906 21.434 100442.05 91373.34 101965.14 3.76
2015-05-14 20.84 22.59 22.14 20.72 126074.32 1.36 6.54 20.942 20.845 21.418 89971.27 84345.72 112331.15 4.32
2015-05-12 20.78 21.47 21.21 20.40 83175.93 0.63 3.06 20.014 20.937 21.653 81264.03 83223.00 122655.85 2.85
2015-05-11 20.31 20.84 20.58 20.15 78920.74 0.58 2.90 19.916 21.108 21.649 82304.64 90837.92 127088.19 2.70
2015-05-08 19.10 20.18 20.00 19.10 89248.75 1.19 6.33 20.250 21.200 21.591 78174.86 92277.06 128790.26 3.05
2015-04-27 22.56 23.65 22.92 22.56 159325.12 1.42 6.61 21.952 22.368 20.090 121509.68 162088.70 138272.77 5.45
2015-04-21 21.00 21.97 21.71 20.80 111028.80 0.44 2.07 22.478 21.423 18.772 193934.80 174999.73 136236.51 3.80
2015-04-15 23.45 25.56 24.38 23.40 250311.59 1.14 4.91 21.560 19.315 17.442 174581.78 138001.54 119340.61 8.57
2015-04-14 21.45 23.24 23.24 21.45 154693.44 2.11 9.99 20.368 18.494 16.982 156064.66 121417.14 114763.57 5.30
2015-04-13 19.60 21.30 21.13 19.50 171822.69 1.70 8.75 19.228 17.812 16.563 149620.34 114456.84 111752.31 5.88
2015-04-09 18.28 19.89 19.62 18.02 183119.05 1.20 6.51 17.736 16.826 15.964 124323.21 106501.34 104829.10 6.27
2015-04-08 17.60 18.53 18.42 17.60 157725.97 0.88 5.02 17.070 16.394 15.698 101421.29 97906.88 101658.57 5.40
2015-04-07 16.54 17.98 17.54 16.50 122471.85 0.88 5.28 16.620 16.120 15.510 86769.62 97473.29 98832.94 4.19
2015-03-30 15.99 16.63 16.42 15.99 85090.45 0.65 4.12 15.620 15.469 14.722 108176.96 108109.99 108345.78 2.91

161 rows × 14 columns

open high close low volume price_change p_change ma5 ma10 ma20 v_ma5 v_ma10 v_ma20 turnover
2018-02-27 23.53 25.88 24.16 23.53 95578.03 0.63 2.68 22.942 22.142 22.875 53782.64 46738.65 55576.11 2.39
2016-09-28 19.88 20.98 20.86 19.71 95580.75 0.98 4.93 20.458 20.897 21.784 73619.52 69253.23 107749.35 2.39


open high close low volume price_change p_change ma5 ma10 ma20 v_ma5 v_ma10 v_ma20 turnover
count 643.000000 643.000000 643.000000 643.000000 643.000000 643.000000 643.000000 643.000000 643.000000 643.000000 643.000000 643.000000 643.000000 643.000000
mean 21.272706 21.900513 21.336267 20.771835 99905.519114 0.018802 0.190280 21.302362 21.267656 21.200946 100008.642691 100287.542177 100797.518398 2.936190
std 3.930973 4.077578 3.942806 3.791968 73879.119354 0.898476 4.079698 3.880640 3.813602 3.686186 62761.578326 56759.082060 50101.575639 2.079375
min 12.250000 12.670000 12.360000 12.200000 1158.120000 -3.520000 -10.030000 12.520000 12.520000 12.520000 10804.740000 19130.510000 23311.000000 0.040000
25% 19.000000 19.500000 19.045000 18.525000 48533.210000 -0.390000 -1.850000 18.990000 19.102000 19.275000 55794.985000 59861.955000 64103.675000 1.360000
50% 21.440000 21.970000 21.450000 20.980000 83175.930000 0.050000 0.260000 21.504000 21.623000 21.530000 86133.330000 89234.970000 96291.730000 2.500000
75% 23.400000 24.065000 23.415000 22.850000 127580.055000 0.455000 2.305000 23.318000 23.098500 23.136000 127655.655000 124693.255000 124001.015000 3.915000
max 34.990000 36.350000 35.210000 34.010000 501915.410000 3.030000 10.030000 33.696000 32.186000 29.998000 404443.540000 360028.160000 269280.790000 12.560000





– DataFrame.plot(x=None, y=None, kind=’line’)

– pandas.Series.plot



open close
2018-02-27 23.53 24.16
2018-02-26 22.80 23.53
2018-02-23 22.88 22.82
2018-02-22 22.25 22.28
2018-02-14 21.49 21.92

– path_or_buf :string or file handle, default None
– sep :character, default ‘,’
– columns :sequence, optional
– mode:’w’:重写, ‘a’ 追加
– index:是否写进行索引 一般不保存
– header :boolean or list of string, default True,是否写进列索引值



  • pandas.read_json(path_or_buf=None, orient=None, typ=’frame’, lines=False)
    • 将JSON格式准换成默认的Pandas DataFrame格式
    • orient : string,Indication of expected JSON string format.
      • ‘split’ : dict like {index -> [index], columns -> [columns], data -> [values]}
        • split 将索引总结到索引,列名到列名,数据到数据。将三部分都分开了
      • ‘records’ : list like [{column -> value}, … , {column -> value}]
        • records 以columns:values的形式输出
      • ‘index’ : dict like {index -> {column -> value}}
        • index 以index:{columns:values}…的形式输出
      • ‘columns’ : dict like {column -> {index -> value}},默认该格式
        • colums 以columns:{index:values}的形式输出
      • ‘values’ : just the values array
        • values 直接输出值
    • lines : boolean, default False
      • 按照每行读取json对象
    • typ : default ‘frame’, 指定转换成的对象类型series或者dataframe




  • NaN not a number
  • 特殊字符标记的缺失 ? 空格 ‘NULL’ 需要确定用什么字符表示缺失状态, 替换成NaN, 再进行处理


  • 删除 整行样本
  • 填充 填合理的值

Rank Title Genre Description Director Actors Year Runtime (Minutes) Rating Votes Revenue (Millions) Metascore
0 1 Guardians of the Galaxy Action,Adventure,Sci-Fi A group of intergalactic criminals are forced … James Gunn Chris Pratt, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper, Zoe S… 2014 121 8.1 757074 333.13 76.0
1 2 Prometheus Adventure,Mystery,Sci-Fi Following clues to the origin of mankind, a te… Ridley Scott Noomi Rapace, Logan Marshall-Green, Michael Fa… 2012 124 7.0 485820 126.46 65.0
2 3 Split Horror,Thriller Three girls are kidnapped by a man with a diag… M. Night Shyamalan James McAvoy, Anya Taylor-Joy, Haley Lu Richar… 2016 117 7.3 157606 138.12 62.0
3 4 Sing Animation,Comedy,Family In a city of humanoid animals, a hustling thea… Christophe Lourdelet Matthew McConaughey,Reese Witherspoon, Seth Ma… 2016 108 7.2 60545 270.32 59.0
4 5 Suicide Squad Action,Adventure,Fantasy A secret government agency recruits some of th… David Ayer Will Smith, Jared Leto, Margot Robbie, Viola D… 2016 123 6.2 393727 325.02 40.0
5 6 The Great Wall Action,Adventure,Fantasy European mercenaries searching for black powde… Yimou Zhang Matt Damon, Tian Jing, Willem Dafoe, Andy Lau 2016 103 6.1 56036 45.13 42.0
6 7 La La Land Comedy,Drama,Music A jazz pianist falls for an aspiring actress i… Damien Chazelle Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone, Rosemarie DeWitt, J…. 2016 128 8.3 258682 151.06 93.0
8 9 The Lost City of Z Action,Adventure,Biography A true-life drama, centering on British explor… James Gray Charlie Hunnam, Robert Pattinson, Sienna Mille… 2016 141 7.1 7188 8.01 78.0
9 10 Passengers Adventure,Drama,Romance A spacecraft traveling to a distant colony pla… Morten Tyldum Jennifer Lawrence, Chris Pratt, Michael Sheen,… 2016 116 7.0 192177 100.01 41.0
10 11 Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Adventure,Family,Fantasy The adventures of writer Newt Scamander in New… David Yates Eddie Redmayne, Katherine Waterston, Alison Su… 2016 133 7.5 232072 234.02 66.0
11 12 Hidden Figures Biography,Drama,History The story of a team of female African-American… Theodore Melfi Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer, Janelle Mon… 2016 127 7.8 93103 169.27 74.0
12 13 Rogue One Action,Adventure,Sci-Fi The Rebel Alliance makes a risky move to steal… Gareth Edwards Felicity Jones, Diego Luna, Alan Tudyk, Donnie… 2016 133 7.9 323118 532.17 65.0
13 14 Moana Animation,Adventure,Comedy In Ancient Polynesia, when a terrible curse in… Ron Clements Auli’i Cravalho, Dwayne Johnson, Rachel House,… 2016 107 7.7 118151 248.75 81.0
14 15 Colossal Action,Comedy,Drama Gloria is an out-of-work party girl forced to … Nacho Vigalondo Anne Hathaway, Jason Sudeikis, Austin Stowell,… 2016 109 6.4 8612 2.87 70.0
15 16 The Secret Life of Pets Animation,Adventure,Comedy The quiet life of a terrier named Max is upend… Chris Renaud Louis C.K., Eric Stonestreet, Kevin Hart, Lake… 2016 87 6.6 120259 368.31 61.0
16 17 Hacksaw Ridge Biography,Drama,History WWII American Army Medic Desmond T. Doss, who … Mel Gibson Andrew Garfield, Sam Worthington, Luke Bracey,… 2016 139 8.2 211760 67.12 71.0
17 18 Jason Bourne Action,Thriller The CIA’s most dangerous former operative is d… Paul Greengrass Matt Damon, Tommy Lee Jones, Alicia Vikander,V… 2016 123 6.7 150823 162.16 58.0
18 19 Lion Biography,Drama A five-year-old Indian boy gets lost on the st… Garth Davis Dev Patel, Nicole Kidman, Rooney Mara, Sunny P… 2016 118 8.1 102061 51.69 69.0
19 20 Arrival Drama,Mystery,Sci-Fi When twelve mysterious spacecraft appear aroun… Denis Villeneuve Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner, Forest Whitaker,Mich… 2016 116 8.0 340798 100.50 81.0
20 21 Gold Adventure,Drama,Thriller Kenny Wells, a prospector desperate for a luck… Stephen Gaghan Matthew McConaughey, Edgar Ramírez, Bryce Dall… 2016 120 6.7 19053 7.22 49.0
21 22 Manchester by the Sea Drama A depressed uncle is asked to take care of his… Kenneth Lonergan Casey Affleck, Michelle Williams, Kyle Chandle… 2016 137 7.9 134213 47.70 96.0
23 24 Trolls Animation,Adventure,Comedy After the Bergens invade Troll Village, Poppy,… Walt Dohrn Anna Kendrick, Justin Timberlake,Zooey Deschan… 2016 92 6.5 38552 153.69 56.0
24 25 Independence Day: Resurgence Action,Adventure,Sci-Fi Two decades after the first Independence Day i… Roland Emmerich Liam Hemsworth, Jeff Goldblum, Bill Pullman,Ma… 2016 120 5.3 127553 103.14 32.0
28 29 Bad Moms Comedy When three overworked and under-appreciated mo… Jon Lucas Mila Kunis, Kathryn Hahn, Kristen Bell,Christi… 2016 100 6.2 66540 113.08 60.0
29 30 Assassin’s Creed Action,Adventure,Drama When Callum Lynch explores the memories of his… Justin Kurzel Michael Fassbender, Marion Cotillard, Jeremy I… 2016 115 5.9 112813 54.65 36.0
30 31 Why Him? Comedy A holiday gathering threatens to go off the ra… John Hamburg Zoey Deutch, James Franco, Tangie Ambrose,Cedr… 2016 111 6.3 48123 60.31 39.0
31 32 Nocturnal Animals Drama,Thriller A wealthy art gallery owner is haunted by her … Tom Ford Amy Adams, Jake Gyllenhaal, Michael Shannon, A… 2016 116 7.5 126030 10.64 67.0
32 33 X-Men: Apocalypse Action,Adventure,Sci-Fi After the re-emergence of the world’s first mu… Bryan Singer James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Law… 2016 144 7.1 275510 155.33 52.0
33 34 Deadpool Action,Adventure,Comedy A fast-talking mercenary with a morbid sense o… Tim Miller Ryan Reynolds, Morena Baccarin, T.J. Miller, E… 2016 108 8.0 627797 363.02 65.0
34 35 Resident Evil: The Final Chapter Action,Horror,Sci-Fi Alice returns to where the nightmare began: Th… Paul W.S. Anderson Milla Jovovich, Iain Glen, Ali Larter, Shawn R… 2016 107 5.6 46165 26.84 49.0
955 956 That Awkward Moment Comedy,Romance Three best friends find themselves where we’ve… Tom Gormican Zac Efron, Michael B. Jordan, Miles Teller, Im… 2014 94 6.2 81823 26.05 36.0
956 957 Legion Action,Fantasy,Horror When a group of strangers at a dusty roadside … Scott Stewart Paul Bettany, Dennis Quaid, Charles S. Dutton,… 2010 100 5.2 84158 40.17 32.0
957 958 End of Watch Crime,Drama,Thriller Shot documentary-style, this film follows the … David Ayer Jake Gyllenhaal, Michael Peña, Anna Kendrick, … 2012 109 7.7 192190 40.98 68.0
958 959 3 Days to Kill Action,Drama,Thriller A dying CIA agent trying to reconnect with his… McG Kevin Costner, Hailee Steinfeld, Connie Nielse… 2014 117 6.2 73567 30.69 40.0
959 960 Lucky Number Slevin Crime,Drama,Mystery A case of mistaken identity lands Slevin into … Paul McGuigan Josh Hartnett, Ben Kingsley, Morgan Freeman, L… 2006 110 7.8 271940 22.49 53.0
960 961 Trance Crime,Drama,Mystery An art auctioneer who has become mixed up with… Danny Boyle James McAvoy, Rosario Dawson, Vincent Cassel,D… 2013 101 7.0 97141 2.32 61.0
961 962 Into the Forest Drama,Sci-Fi,Thriller After a massive power outage, two sisters lear… Patricia Rozema Ellen Page, Evan Rachel Wood, Max Minghella,Ca… 2015 101 5.9 10220 0.01 59.0
962 963 The Other Boleyn Girl Biography,Drama,History Two sisters contend for the affection of King … Justin Chadwick Natalie Portman, Scarlett Johansson, Eric Bana… 2008 115 6.7 88260 26.81 50.0
963 964 I Spit on Your Grave Crime,Horror,Thriller A writer who is brutalized during her cabin re… Steven R. Monroe Sarah Butler, Jeff Branson, Andrew Howard,Dani… 2010 108 6.3 60133 0.09 27.0
970 971 Texas Chainsaw 3D Horror,Thriller A young woman travels to Texas to collect an i… John Luessenhop Alexandra Daddario, Tania Raymonde, Scott East… 2013 92 4.8 37060 34.33 62.0
972 973 Rock of Ages Comedy,Drama,Musical A small town girl and a city boy meet on the S… Adam Shankman Julianne Hough, Diego Boneta, Tom Cruise, Alec… 2012 123 5.9 64513 38.51 47.0
973 974 Scream 4 Horror,Mystery Ten years have passed, and Sidney Prescott, wh… Wes Craven Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox, David Arquette, … 2011 111 6.2 108544 38.18 52.0
974 975 Queen of Katwe Biography,Drama,Sport A Ugandan girl sees her world rapidly change a… Mira Nair Madina Nalwanga, David Oyelowo, Lupita Nyong’o… 2016 124 7.4 6753 8.81 73.0
975 976 My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 Comedy,Family,Romance A Portokalos family secret brings the beloved … Kirk Jones Nia Vardalos, John Corbett, Michael Constantin… 2016 94 6.0 20966 59.57 37.0
979 980 The Skin I Live In Drama,Thriller A brilliant plastic surgeon, haunted by past t… Pedro Almodóvar Antonio Banderas, Elena Anaya, Jan Cornet,Mari… 2011 120 7.6 108772 3.19 70.0
980 981 Miracles from Heaven Biography,Drama,Family A young girl suffering from a rare digestive d… Patricia Riggen Jennifer Garner, Kylie Rogers, Martin Henderso… 2016 109 7.0 12048 61.69 44.0
981 982 Annie Comedy,Drama,Family A foster kid, who lives with her mean foster m… Will Gluck Quvenzhané Wallis, Cameron Diaz, Jamie Foxx, R… 2014 118 5.3 27312 85.91 33.0
982 983 Across the Universe Drama,Fantasy,Musical The music of the Beatles and the Vietnam War f… Julie Taymor Evan Rachel Wood, Jim Sturgess, Joe Anderson, … 2007 133 7.4 95172 24.34 56.0
983 984 Let’s Be Cops Comedy Two struggling pals dress as police officers f… Luke Greenfield Jake Johnson, Damon Wayans Jr., Rob Riggle, Ni… 2014 104 6.5 112729 82.39 30.0
984 985 Max Adventure,Family A Malinois dog that helped American Marines in… Boaz Yakin Thomas Haden Church, Josh Wiggins, Luke Kleint… 2015 111 6.8 21405 42.65 47.0
985 986 Your Highness Adventure,Comedy,Fantasy When Prince Fabious’s bride is kidnapped, he g… David Gordon Green Danny McBride, Natalie Portman, James Franco, … 2011 102 5.6 87904 21.56 31.0
986 987 Final Destination 5 Horror,Thriller Survivors of a suspension-bridge collapse lear… Steven Quale Nicholas D’Agosto, Emma Bell, Arlen Escarpeta,… 2011 92 5.9 88000 42.58 50.0
987 988 Endless Love Drama,Romance The story of a privileged girl and a charismat… Shana Feste Gabriella Wilde, Alex Pettyfer, Bruce Greenwoo… 2014 104 6.3 33688 23.39 30.0
990 991 Underworld: Rise of the Lycans Action,Adventure,Fantasy An origins story centered on the centuries-old… Patrick Tatopoulos Rhona Mitra, Michael Sheen, Bill Nighy, Steven… 2009 92 6.6 129708 45.80 44.0
991 992 Taare Zameen Par Drama,Family,Music An eight-year-old boy is thought to be a lazy … Aamir Khan Darsheel Safary, Aamir Khan, Tanay Chheda, Sac… 2007 165 8.5 102697 1.20 42.0
993 994 Resident Evil: Afterlife Action,Adventure,Horror While still out to destroy the evil Umbrella C… Paul W.S. Anderson Milla Jovovich, Ali Larter, Wentworth Miller,K… 2010 97 5.9 140900 60.13 37.0
994 995 Project X Comedy 3 high school seniors throw a birthday party t… Nima Nourizadeh Thomas Mann, Oliver Cooper, Jonathan Daniel Br… 2012 88 6.7 164088 54.72 48.0
996 997 Hostel: Part II Horror Three American college students studying abroa… Eli Roth Lauren German, Heather Matarazzo, Bijou Philli… 2007 94 5.5 73152 17.54 46.0
997 998 Step Up 2: The Streets Drama,Music,Romance Romantic sparks occur between two dance studen… Jon M. Chu Robert Hoffman, Briana Evigan, Cassie Ventura,… 2008 98 6.2 70699 58.01 50.0
999 1000 Nine Lives Comedy,Family,Fantasy A stuffy businessman finds himself trapped ins… Barry Sonnenfeld Kevin Spacey, Jennifer Garner, Robbie Amell,Ch… 2016 87 5.3 12435 19.64 11.0

838 rows × 12 columns

Rank Title Genre Description Director Actors Year Runtime (Minutes) Rating Votes Revenue (Millions) Metascore
0 1 Guardians of the Galaxy Action,Adventure,Sci-Fi A group of intergalactic criminals are forced … James Gunn Chris Pratt, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper, Zoe S… 2014 121 8.1 757074 333.130000 76.000000
1 2 Prometheus Adventure,Mystery,Sci-Fi Following clues to the origin of mankind, a te… Ridley Scott Noomi Rapace, Logan Marshall-Green, Michael Fa… 2012 124 7.0 485820 126.460000 65.000000
2 3 Split Horror,Thriller Three girls are kidnapped by a man with a diag… M. Night Shyamalan James McAvoy, Anya Taylor-Joy, Haley Lu Richar… 2016 117 7.3 157606 138.120000 62.000000
3 4 Sing Animation,Comedy,Family In a city of humanoid animals, a hustling thea… Christophe Lourdelet Matthew McConaughey,Reese Witherspoon, Seth Ma… 2016 108 7.2 60545 270.320000 59.000000
4 5 Suicide Squad Action,Adventure,Fantasy A secret government agency recruits some of th… David Ayer Will Smith, Jared Leto, Margot Robbie, Viola D… 2016 123 6.2 393727 325.020000 40.000000
5 6 The Great Wall Action,Adventure,Fantasy European mercenaries searching for black powde… Yimou Zhang Matt Damon, Tian Jing, Willem Dafoe, Andy Lau 2016 103 6.1 56036 45.130000 42.000000
6 7 La La Land Comedy,Drama,Music A jazz pianist falls for an aspiring actress i… Damien Chazelle Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone, Rosemarie DeWitt, J…. 2016 128 8.3 258682 151.060000 93.000000
7 8 Mindhorn Comedy A has-been actor best known for playing the ti… Sean Foley Essie Davis, Andrea Riseborough, Julian Barrat… 2016 89 6.4 2490 82.956376 71.000000
8 9 The Lost City of Z Action,Adventure,Biography A true-life drama, centering on British explor… James Gray Charlie Hunnam, Robert Pattinson, Sienna Mille… 2016 141 7.1 7188 8.010000 78.000000
9 10 Passengers Adventure,Drama,Romance A spacecraft traveling to a distant colony pla… Morten Tyldum Jennifer Lawrence, Chris Pratt, Michael Sheen,… 2016 116 7.0 192177 100.010000 41.000000
10 11 Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Adventure,Family,Fantasy The adventures of writer Newt Scamander in New… David Yates Eddie Redmayne, Katherine Waterston, Alison Su… 2016 133 7.5 232072 234.020000 66.000000
11 12 Hidden Figures Biography,Drama,History The story of a team of female African-American… Theodore Melfi Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer, Janelle Mon… 2016 127 7.8 93103 169.270000 74.000000
12 13 Rogue One Action,Adventure,Sci-Fi The Rebel Alliance makes a risky move to steal… Gareth Edwards Felicity Jones, Diego Luna, Alan Tudyk, Donnie… 2016 133 7.9 323118 532.170000 65.000000
13 14 Moana Animation,Adventure,Comedy In Ancient Polynesia, when a terrible curse in… Ron Clements Auli’i Cravalho, Dwayne Johnson, Rachel House,… 2016 107 7.7 118151 248.750000 81.000000
14 15 Colossal Action,Comedy,Drama Gloria is an out-of-work party girl forced to … Nacho Vigalondo Anne Hathaway, Jason Sudeikis, Austin Stowell,… 2016 109 6.4 8612 2.870000 70.000000
15 16 The Secret Life of Pets Animation,Adventure,Comedy The quiet life of a terrier named Max is upend… Chris Renaud Louis C.K., Eric Stonestreet, Kevin Hart, Lake… 2016 87 6.6 120259 368.310000 61.000000
16 17 Hacksaw Ridge Biography,Drama,History WWII American Army Medic Desmond T. Doss, who … Mel Gibson Andrew Garfield, Sam Worthington, Luke Bracey,… 2016 139 8.2 211760 67.120000 71.000000
17 18 Jason Bourne Action,Thriller The CIA’s most dangerous former operative is d… Paul Greengrass Matt Damon, Tommy Lee Jones, Alicia Vikander,V… 2016 123 6.7 150823 162.160000 58.000000
18 19 Lion Biography,Drama A five-year-old Indian boy gets lost on the st… Garth Davis Dev Patel, Nicole Kidman, Rooney Mara, Sunny P… 2016 118 8.1 102061 51.690000 69.000000
19 20 Arrival Drama,Mystery,Sci-Fi When twelve mysterious spacecraft appear aroun… Denis Villeneuve Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner, Forest Whitaker,Mich… 2016 116 8.0 340798 100.500000 81.000000
20 21 Gold Adventure,Drama,Thriller Kenny Wells, a prospector desperate for a luck… Stephen Gaghan Matthew McConaughey, Edgar Ramírez, Bryce Dall… 2016 120 6.7 19053 7.220000 49.000000
21 22 Manchester by the Sea Drama A depressed uncle is asked to take care of his… Kenneth Lonergan Casey Affleck, Michelle Williams, Kyle Chandle… 2016 137 7.9 134213 47.700000 96.000000
22 23 Hounds of Love Crime,Drama,Horror A cold-blooded predatory couple while cruising… Ben Young Emma Booth, Ashleigh Cummings, Stephen Curry,S… 2016 108 6.7 1115 82.956376 72.000000
23 24 Trolls Animation,Adventure,Comedy After the Bergens invade Troll Village, Poppy,… Walt Dohrn Anna Kendrick, Justin Timberlake,Zooey Deschan… 2016 92 6.5 38552 153.690000 56.000000
24 25 Independence Day: Resurgence Action,Adventure,Sci-Fi Two decades after the first Independence Day i… Roland Emmerich Liam Hemsworth, Jeff Goldblum, Bill Pullman,Ma… 2016 120 5.3 127553 103.140000 32.000000
25 26 Paris pieds nus Comedy Fiona visits Paris for the first time to assis… Dominique Abel Fiona Gordon, Dominique Abel,Emmanuelle Riva, … 2016 83 6.8 222 82.956376 58.985043
26 27 Bahubali: The Beginning Action,Adventure,Drama In ancient India, an adventurous and daring ma… S.S. Rajamouli Prabhas, Rana Daggubati, Anushka Shetty,Tamann… 2015 159 8.3 76193 6.500000 58.985043
27 28 Dead Awake Horror,Thriller A young woman must save herself and her friend… Phillip Guzman Jocelin Donahue, Jesse Bradford, Jesse Borrego… 2016 99 4.7 523 0.010000 58.985043
28 29 Bad Moms Comedy When three overworked and under-appreciated mo… Jon Lucas Mila Kunis, Kathryn Hahn, Kristen Bell,Christi… 2016 100 6.2 66540 113.080000 60.000000
29 30 Assassin’s Creed Action,Adventure,Drama When Callum Lynch explores the memories of his… Justin Kurzel Michael Fassbender, Marion Cotillard, Jeremy I… 2016 115 5.9 112813 54.650000 36.000000
970 971 Texas Chainsaw 3D Horror,Thriller A young woman travels to Texas to collect an i… John Luessenhop Alexandra Daddario, Tania Raymonde, Scott East… 2013 92 4.8 37060 34.330000 62.000000
971 972 Disturbia Drama,Mystery,Thriller A teen living under house arrest becomes convi… D.J. Caruso Shia LaBeouf, David Morse, Carrie-Anne Moss, S… 2007 105 6.9 193491 80.050000 58.985043
972 973 Rock of Ages Comedy,Drama,Musical A small town girl and a city boy meet on the S… Adam Shankman Julianne Hough, Diego Boneta, Tom Cruise, Alec… 2012 123 5.9 64513 38.510000 47.000000
973 974 Scream 4 Horror,Mystery Ten years have passed, and Sidney Prescott, wh… Wes Craven Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox, David Arquette, … 2011 111 6.2 108544 38.180000 52.000000
974 975 Queen of Katwe Biography,Drama,Sport A Ugandan girl sees her world rapidly change a… Mira Nair Madina Nalwanga, David Oyelowo, Lupita Nyong’o… 2016 124 7.4 6753 8.810000 73.000000
975 976 My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 Comedy,Family,Romance A Portokalos family secret brings the beloved … Kirk Jones Nia Vardalos, John Corbett, Michael Constantin… 2016 94 6.0 20966 59.570000 37.000000
976 977 Dark Places Drama,Mystery,Thriller Libby Day was only eight years old when her fa… Gilles Paquet-Brenner Charlize Theron, Nicholas Hoult, Christina Hen… 2015 113 6.2 31634 82.956376 39.000000
977 978 Amateur Night Comedy Guy Carter is an award-winning graduate studen… Lisa Addario Jason Biggs, Janet Montgomery,Ashley Tisdale, … 2016 92 5.0 2229 82.956376 38.000000
978 979 It’s Only the End of the World Drama Louis (Gaspard Ulliel), a terminally ill write… Xavier Dolan Nathalie Baye, Vincent Cassel, Marion Cotillar… 2016 97 7.0 10658 82.956376 48.000000
979 980 The Skin I Live In Drama,Thriller A brilliant plastic surgeon, haunted by past t… Pedro Almodóvar Antonio Banderas, Elena Anaya, Jan Cornet,Mari… 2011 120 7.6 108772 3.190000 70.000000
980 981 Miracles from Heaven Biography,Drama,Family A young girl suffering from a rare digestive d… Patricia Riggen Jennifer Garner, Kylie Rogers, Martin Henderso… 2016 109 7.0 12048 61.690000 44.000000
981 982 Annie Comedy,Drama,Family A foster kid, who lives with her mean foster m… Will Gluck Quvenzhané Wallis, Cameron Diaz, Jamie Foxx, R… 2014 118 5.3 27312 85.910000 33.000000
982 983 Across the Universe Drama,Fantasy,Musical The music of the Beatles and the Vietnam War f… Julie Taymor Evan Rachel Wood, Jim Sturgess, Joe Anderson, … 2007 133 7.4 95172 24.340000 56.000000
983 984 Let’s Be Cops Comedy Two struggling pals dress as police officers f… Luke Greenfield Jake Johnson, Damon Wayans Jr., Rob Riggle, Ni… 2014 104 6.5 112729 82.390000 30.000000
984 985 Max Adventure,Family A Malinois dog that helped American Marines in… Boaz Yakin Thomas Haden Church, Josh Wiggins, Luke Kleint… 2015 111 6.8 21405 42.650000 47.000000
985 986 Your Highness Adventure,Comedy,Fantasy When Prince Fabious’s bride is kidnapped, he g… David Gordon Green Danny McBride, Natalie Portman, James Franco, … 2011 102 5.6 87904 21.560000 31.000000
986 987 Final Destination 5 Horror,Thriller Survivors of a suspension-bridge collapse lear… Steven Quale Nicholas D’Agosto, Emma Bell, Arlen Escarpeta,… 2011 92 5.9 88000 42.580000 50.000000
987 988 Endless Love Drama,Romance The story of a privileged girl and a charismat… Shana Feste Gabriella Wilde, Alex Pettyfer, Bruce Greenwoo… 2014 104 6.3 33688 23.390000 30.000000
988 989 Martyrs Horror A young woman’s quest for revenge against the … Pascal Laugier Morjana Alaoui, Mylène Jampanoï, Catherine Bég… 2008 99 7.1 63785 82.956376 89.000000
989 990 Selma Biography,Drama,History A chronicle of Martin Luther King’s campaign t… Ava DuVernay David Oyelowo, Carmen Ejogo, Tim Roth, Lorrain… 2014 128 7.5 67637 52.070000 58.985043
990 991 Underworld: Rise of the Lycans Action,Adventure,Fantasy An origins story centered on the centuries-old… Patrick Tatopoulos Rhona Mitra, Michael Sheen, Bill Nighy, Steven… 2009 92 6.6 129708 45.800000 44.000000
991 992 Taare Zameen Par Drama,Family,Music An eight-year-old boy is thought to be a lazy … Aamir Khan Darsheel Safary, Aamir Khan, Tanay Chheda, Sac… 2007 165 8.5 102697 1.200000 42.000000
992 993 Take Me Home Tonight Comedy,Drama,Romance Four years after graduation, an awkward high s… Michael Dowse Topher Grace, Anna Faris, Dan Fogler, Teresa P… 2011 97 6.3 45419 6.920000 58.985043
993 994 Resident Evil: Afterlife Action,Adventure,Horror While still out to destroy the evil Umbrella C… Paul W.S. Anderson Milla Jovovich, Ali Larter, Wentworth Miller,K… 2010 97 5.9 140900 60.130000 37.000000
994 995 Project X Comedy 3 high school seniors throw a birthday party t… Nima Nourizadeh Thomas Mann, Oliver Cooper, Jonathan Daniel Br… 2012 88 6.7 164088 54.720000 48.000000
995 996 Secret in Their Eyes Crime,Drama,Mystery A tight-knit team of rising investigators, alo… Billy Ray Chiwetel Ejiofor, Nicole Kidman, Julia Roberts… 2015 111 6.2 27585 82.956376 45.000000
996 997 Hostel: Part II Horror Three American college students studying abroa… Eli Roth Lauren German, Heather Matarazzo, Bijou Philli… 2007 94 5.5 73152 17.540000 46.000000
997 998 Step Up 2: The Streets Drama,Music,Romance Romantic sparks occur between two dance studen… Jon M. Chu Robert Hoffman, Briana Evigan, Cassie Ventura,… 2008 98 6.2 70699 58.010000 50.000000
998 999 Search Party Adventure,Comedy A pair of friends embark on a mission to reuni… Scot Armstrong Adam Pally, T.J. Miller, Thomas Middleditch,Sh… 2014 93 5.6 4881 82.956376 22.000000
999 1000 Nine Lives Comedy,Family,Fantasy A stuffy businessman finds himself trapped ins… Barry Sonnenfeld Kevin Spacey, Jennifer Garner, Robbie Amell,Ch… 2016 87 5.3 12435 19.640000 11.000000

1000 rows × 12 columns

1000025 5 1 1.1 1.2 2 1.3 3 1.4 1.5 2.1
0 1002945 5 4 4 5 7 10 3 2 1 2
1 1015425 3 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 2
2 1016277 6 8 8 1 3 4 3 7 1 2
3 1017023 4 1 1 3 2 1 3 1 1 2
4 1017122 8 10 10 8 7 10 9 7 1 4

1000025 5 1 1.1 1.2 2 1.3 3 1.4 1.5 2.1
0 1002945 5 4 4 5 7 10 3 2 1 2
1 1015425 3 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 2
2 1016277 6 8 8 1 3 4 3 7 1 2
3 1017023 4 1 1 3 2 1 3 1 1 2
4 1017122 8 10 10 8 7 10 9 7 1 4
5 1018099 1 1 1 1 2 10 3 1 1 2
6 1018561 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 2
7 1033078 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 5 2
8 1033078 4 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2
9 1035283 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2
10 1036172 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2
11 1041801 5 3 3 3 2 3 4 4 1 4
12 1043999 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 2
13 1044572 8 7 5 10 7 9 5 5 4 4
14 1047630 7 4 6 4 6 1 4 3 1 4
15 1048672 4 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2
16 1049815 4 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 2
17 1050670 10 7 7 6 4 10 4 1 2 4
18 1050718 6 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 2
19 1054590 7 3 2 10 5 10 5 4 4 4
20 1054593 10 5 5 3 6 7 7 10 1 4
21 1056784 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2
23 1059552 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 2
24 1065726 5 2 3 4 2 7 3 6 1 4
25 1066373 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2
26 1066979 5 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2
27 1067444 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2
28 1070935 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 2
29 1070935 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2
30 1071760 2 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 2
668 1350423 5 10 10 8 5 5 7 10 1 4
669 1352848 3 10 7 8 5 8 7 4 1 4
670 1353092 3 2 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 2
671 1354840 2 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 2
672 1354840 5 3 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 2
673 1355260 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2
674 1365075 4 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 2
675 1365328 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2
676 1368267 5 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2
677 1368273 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2
678 1368882 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2
679 1369821 10 10 10 10 5 10 10 10 7 4
680 1371026 5 10 10 10 4 10 5 6 3 4
681 1371920 5 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 2
682 466906 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2
683 466906 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2
684 534555 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2
685 536708 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2
686 566346 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 2
687 603148 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2
688 654546 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 8 2
689 654546 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 2
690 695091 5 10 10 5 4 5 4 4 1 4
691 714039 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2
692 763235 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2
693 776715 3 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 2
694 841769 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2
695 888820 5 10 10 3 7 3 8 10 2 4
696 897471 4 8 6 4 3 4 10 6 1 4
697 897471 4 8 8 5 4 5 10 4 1 4

682 rows × 11 columns


连续属性的离散化就是在连续属性的值域上,将值域划分为若干个离散的区间,最后用不同的符号或整数 值代表落在每个子区间中的属性值。


  • 如性别特征:男女设置成1 0 ,无大小数据变成了有大小,容易给训练模型错误信息, 产生无关规律
  • 哑变量矩阵: 将性别分成两列 性别男(1, 0) 性别女(1, 0)
  • one-hot编码(独热编码) :把离散的一列数据转换成哑变量矩阵的编码方式


  • pd.concat实现数据的合并,按行按列合并
  • pd.merge实现数据的合并

abc_(-10.030999999999999, -1.04] abc_(-1.04, 1.49] abc_(1.49, 10.03]
2018-02-27 0 0 1
2018-02-26 0 0 1
2018-02-23 0 0 1
2018-02-22 0 0 1
2018-02-14 0 0 1

open high close low volume price_change p_change ma5 ma10 ma20 v_ma5 v_ma10 v_ma20 turnover abc_(-10.030999999999999, -1.04] abc_(-1.04, 1.49] abc_(1.49, 10.03]
2018-02-27 23.53 25.88 24.16 23.53 95578.03 0.63 2.68 22.942 22.142 22.875 53782.64 46738.65 55576.11 2.39 0 0 1
2018-02-26 22.80 23.78 23.53 22.80 60985.11 0.69 3.02 22.406 21.955 22.942 40827.52 42736.34 56007.50 1.53 0 0 1
2018-02-23 22.88 23.37 22.82 22.71 52914.01 0.54 2.42 21.938 21.929 23.022 35119.58 41871.97 56372.85 1.32 0 0 1
2018-02-22 22.25 22.76 22.28 22.02 36105.01 0.36 1.64 21.446 21.909 23.137 35397.58 39904.78 60149.60 0.90 0 0 1
2018-02-14 21.49 21.99 21.92 21.48 23331.04 0.44 2.05 21.366 21.923 23.253 33590.21 42935.74 61716.11 0.58 0 0 1
2018-02-13 21.40 21.90 21.48 21.31 30802.45 0.28 1.32 21.342 22.103 23.387 39694.65 45518.14 65161.68 0.77 0 1 0
2018-02-12 20.70 21.40 21.19 20.63 32445.39 0.82 4.03 21.504 22.338 23.533 44645.16 45679.94 68686.33 0.81 0 0 1
2018-02-09 21.20 21.46 20.36 20.19 54304.01 -1.50 -6.86 21.920 22.596 23.645 48624.36 48982.38 70552.47 1.36 1 0 0
2018-02-08 21.79 22.09 21.88 21.75 27068.16 0.09 0.41 22.372 23.009 23.839 44411.98 48612.16 73852.45 0.68 0 1 0
2018-02-07 22.69 23.11 21.80 21.29 53853.25 -0.50 -2.24 22.480 23.258 23.929 52281.28 56315.11 74925.33 1.35 1 0 0
2018-02-06 22.80 23.55 22.29 22.20 55555.00 -0.97 -4.17 22.864 23.607 24.029 51341.63 64413.58 75738.95 1.39 1 0 0
2018-02-05 22.45 23.39 23.27 22.25 52341.39 0.65 2.87 23.172 23.928 24.112 46714.72 69278.66 77070.00 1.31 0 0 1
2018-02-02 22.40 22.70 22.62 21.53 33242.11 0.20 0.89 23.272 24.114 24.184 49340.40 70873.73 79929.71 0.83 0 1 0
2018-02-01 23.71 23.86 22.42 22.22 66414.64 -1.30 -5.48 23.646 24.365 24.279 52812.35 80394.43 88480.92 1.66 1 0 0
2018-01-31 23.85 23.98 23.72 23.31 49155.02 -0.11 -0.46 24.036 24.583 24.411 60348.94 80496.48 91666.75 1.23 0 1 0
2018-01-30 23.71 24.08 23.83 23.70 32420.43 0.05 0.21 24.350 24.671 24.365 77485.53 84805.23 92943.35 0.81 0 1 0
2018-01-29 24.40 24.63 23.77 23.72 65469.81 -0.73 -2.98 24.684 24.728 24.294 91842.60 91692.73 93456.22 1.64 1 0 0
2018-01-26 24.27 24.74 24.49 24.22 50601.83 0.11 0.45 24.956 24.694 24.221 92407.05 92122.56 91980.51 1.27 0 1 0
2018-01-25 24.99 24.99 24.37 24.23 104097.59 -0.93 -3.68 25.084 24.669 24.109 107976.51 99092.73 92262.67 2.61 1 0 0
2018-01-24 25.49 26.28 25.29 25.20 134838.00 -0.20 -0.79 25.130 24.599 23.997 100644.02 93535.55 89522.22 3.37 0 1 0
2018-01-23 25.15 25.53 25.50 24.93 104205.76 0.39 1.55 24.992 24.450 23.844 92124.92 87064.33 85876.80 2.61 0 0 1
2018-01-22 25.14 25.40 25.13 24.75 68292.08 -0.01 -0.04 24.772 24.296 23.644 91542.85 84861.33 84970.00 1.71 0 1 0
2018-01-19 24.60 25.34 25.13 24.42 128449.11 0.53 2.15 24.432 24.254 23.537 91838.07 88985.70 82975.10 3.21 0 0 1
2018-01-18 24.40 24.88 24.60 24.30 67435.14 0.01 0.04 24.254 24.192 23.441 90208.95 96567.41 78252.92 1.69 0 1 0
2018-01-17 24.42 24.92 24.60 23.80 92242.51 0.20 0.82 24.068 24.239 23.378 86427.08 102837.01 77049.61 2.31 0 1 0
2018-01-16 23.40 24.60 24.40 23.30 101295.42 0.96 4.10 23.908 24.058 23.321 82003.73 101081.47 74590.92 2.54 0 0 1
2018-01-15 24.01 24.23 23.43 23.30 69768.17 -0.80 -3.30 23.820 23.860 23.257 78179.81 95219.71 71006.65 1.75 1 0 0
2018-01-12 23.70 25.15 24.24 23.42 120303.53 0.56 2.37 24.076 23.748 23.236 86133.33 91838.46 69690.35 3.01 0 0 1
2018-01-11 23.67 23.85 23.67 23.21 48525.75 -0.12 -0.50 24.130 23.548 23.197 102925.87 85432.61 65928.23 1.21 0 1 0
2018-01-10 24.10 24.60 23.80 23.40 70125.79 -0.14 -0.58 24.410 23.394 23.204 119246.95 85508.89 66934.89 1.76 0 1 0
2015-04-13 19.60 21.30 21.13 19.50 171822.69 1.70 8.75 19.228 17.812 16.563 149620.34 114456.84 111752.31 5.88 0 0 1
2015-04-10 19.55 19.89 19.43 19.20 112962.15 -0.19 -0.97 18.334 17.276 16.230 133648.38 109309.78 106228.29 3.87 0 1 0
2015-04-09 18.28 19.89 19.62 18.02 183119.05 1.20 6.51 17.736 16.826 15.964 124323.21 106501.34 104829.10 6.27 0 0 1
2015-04-08 17.60 18.53 18.42 17.60 157725.97 0.88 5.02 17.070 16.394 15.698 101421.29 97906.88 101658.57 5.40 0 0 1
2015-04-07 16.54 17.98 17.54 16.50 122471.85 0.88 5.28 16.620 16.120 15.510 86769.62 97473.29 98832.94 4.19 0 0 1
2015-04-03 16.44 16.77 16.66 16.25 91962.88 0.22 1.34 16.396 15.904 15.348 79293.34 94172.24 99956.63 3.15 0 1 0
2015-04-02 16.21 16.50 16.44 16.21 66336.32 0.15 0.92 16.218 15.772 15.229 84971.19 92655.96 104350.08 2.27 0 1 0
2015-04-01 16.18 16.48 16.29 16.00 68609.42 0.12 0.74 15.916 15.666 15.065 88679.47 95386.75 105692.28 2.35 0 1 0
2015-03-31 16.78 16.88 16.17 16.07 84467.62 -0.25 -1.52 15.718 15.568 14.896 94392.47 100679.68 105615.58 2.89 1 0 0
2015-03-30 15.99 16.63 16.42 15.99 85090.45 0.65 4.12 15.620 15.469 14.722 108176.96 108109.99 108345.78 2.91 0 0 1
2015-03-27 14.90 15.86 15.77 14.90 120352.13 0.84 5.63 15.412 15.314 14.527 109051.14 109047.78 108905.84 4.12 0 0 1
2015-03-26 15.14 15.35 14.93 14.91 84877.75 -0.37 -2.42 15.326 15.184 14.462 100340.74 103146.79 108303.41 2.91 1 0 0
2015-03-25 15.97 15.97 15.30 15.18 97174.40 -0.38 -2.42 15.416 15.102 14.436 102094.02 103156.85 109604.83 3.33 1 0 0
2015-03-24 15.38 16.16 15.68 15.28 153390.08 0.30 1.95 15.418 15.002 14.385 106966.89 105410.25 110336.03 5.25 0 0 1
2015-03-23 15.34 15.56 15.38 15.25 89461.32 0.04 0.26 15.318 14.899 14.304 108043.02 100192.60 107645.16 3.06 0 1 0
2015-03-20 15.38 15.48 15.34 15.18 76800.13 -0.04 -0.26 15.216 14.792 14.232 109044.42 105741.03 108857.41 2.63 0 1 0
2015-03-19 15.20 15.64 15.38 15.11 93644.19 0.07 0.46 15.042 14.686 14.153 105952.84 116044.19 111147.22 3.21 0 1 0
2015-03-18 15.18 15.66 15.31 15.02 121538.71 0.13 0.86 14.788 14.464 14.058 104219.67 115997.81 112493.60 4.16 0 1 0
2015-03-17 14.90 15.44 15.18 14.63 158770.77 0.31 2.08 14.586 14.223 13.954 103853.62 110551.48 111739.85 5.43 0 0 1
2015-03-16 14.52 15.05 14.87 14.51 94468.30 0.40 2.76 14.480 13.975 13.843 92342.17 108581.56 107464.31 3.23 0 0 1
2015-03-13 14.13 14.50 14.47 14.08 61342.22 0.36 2.55 14.368 13.740 13.740 102437.64 108763.91 108763.91 2.10 0 0 1
2015-03-12 14.11 14.80 14.11 13.95 84978.37 -0.19 -1.33 14.330 13.659 13.659 126135.54 114032.98 114032.98 2.91 1 0 0
2015-03-11 14.80 15.08 14.30 14.14 119708.43 -0.35 -2.39 14.140 13.603 13.603 127775.94 117664.81 117664.81 4.10 1 0 0
2015-03-10 14.20 14.80 14.65 14.01 101213.51 0.34 2.38 13.860 13.503 13.503 117249.34 117372.87 117372.87 3.46 0 0 1
2015-03-09 14.14 14.85 14.31 13.80 144945.66 0.03 0.21 13.470 13.312 13.312 124820.96 120066.09 120066.09 4.96 0 1 0
2015-03-06 13.17 14.48 14.28 13.13 179831.72 1.12 8.51 13.112 13.112 13.112 115090.18 115090.18 115090.18 6.16 0 0 1
2015-03-05 12.88 13.45 13.16 12.87 93180.39 0.26 2.02 12.820 12.820 12.820 98904.79 98904.79 98904.79 3.19 0 0 1
2015-03-04 12.80 12.92 12.90 12.61 67075.44 0.20 1.57 12.707 12.707 12.707 100812.93 100812.93 100812.93 2.30 0 0 1
2015-03-03 12.52 13.06 12.70 12.52 139071.61 0.18 1.44 12.610 12.610 12.610 117681.67 117681.67 117681.67 4.76 0 1 0
2015-03-02 12.25 12.67 12.52 12.20 96291.73 0.32 2.62 12.520 12.520 12.520 96291.73 96291.73 96291.73 3.30 0 0 1

643 rows × 17 columns

  • pd.merge(left, right, how=’inner’, on=None, left_on=None, right_on=None)
    • 可以指定按照两组数据的共同键值对合并或者左右各自
    • left: A DataFrame object
    • right: Another DataFrame object
    • on: Columns (names) to join on. Must be found in both the left and right DataFrame objects.
    • left_on=None, right_on=None:指定左右键

key1 key2 A B C D
0 K0 K0 A0 B0 C0 D0
1 K1 K0 A2 B2 C1 D1
2 K1 K0 A2 B2 C2 D2


open high close low volume price_change p_change ma5 ma10 ma20 v_ma5 v_ma10 v_ma20 turnover
2018-02-27 23.53 25.88 24.16 23.53 95578.03 0.63 2.68 22.942 22.142 22.875 53782.64 46738.65 55576.11 2.39
2018-02-26 22.80 23.78 23.53 22.80 60985.11 0.69 3.02 22.406 21.955 22.942 40827.52 42736.34 56007.50 1.53
2018-02-23 22.88 23.37 22.82 22.71 52914.01 0.54 2.42 21.938 21.929 23.022 35119.58 41871.97 56372.85 1.32
2018-02-22 22.25 22.76 22.28 22.02 36105.01 0.36 1.64 21.446 21.909 23.137 35397.58 39904.78 60149.60 0.90
2018-02-14 21.49 21.99 21.92 21.48 23331.04 0.44 2.05 21.366 21.923 23.253 33590.21 42935.74 61716.11 0.58

rise 0 1
0 63 62
1 55 76
2 61 71
3 63 65
4 59 68

rise 0 1
0 0.504000 0.496000
1 0.419847 0.580153
2 0.462121 0.537879
3 0.492188 0.507812
4 0.464567 0.535433


0 0.496000
1 0.580153
2 0.537879
3 0.507812
4 0.535433


  • 分组:按照某个离散的特征把数据集分成几份
  • 聚合:对分组之后的数据统计

color object price1 price2
0 white pen 5.56 4.75
1 red pencil 4.20 4.12
2 green pencil 1.30 1.60
3 red ashtray 0.56 0.75
4 green pen 2.75 3.15

object price1 price2
green 2 2 2
red 2 2 2
white 1 1 1



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